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Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

We at BOHR Publishing are committed to upholding standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process and we follow the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics COPE. We expect strict adherence to standards of ethical practices from all the parties involved, i.e., expert reviewers, editors, and authors. Our prime objective is to educate researchers, authors, contributors, reviewers, and editors on understanding and delivering those standards, in partnership with others.


By an author we mean an individual who has made considerable academic contributions to a scientific investigation. For example, one who contributes significantly to the conception, design, execution, analysis and interpretation of the data, participates in drafting, reviewing or revising the manuscript for intellectual content and approves the manuscript for publication.

Corresponding Author

One author should be designated as a corresponding author if there are multiple authors in a research paper. The corresponding author assumes overall responsibility for the manuscript by providing significant contribution to the research effort, and may not necessarily be the principal investigator or project leader.


All the co-authors of a research paper are responsible for providing consent authorship to the corresponding author. They should contribute to the research work, take responsibility for appropriate portions of the content, acknowledging that they have reviewed and approved the manuscript. They are also responsible for the content of all appropriate portions of the manuscript including the integrity of any applicable research.


In the Acknowledgement section, corresponding author should also specify individuals or institutions who have also contributed to the article but are not its authors. All acknowledged individuals should agree to be acknowledged. Besides, an editor may ask the corresponding author to provide the written consent from all acknowledged individuals for being mentioned in the Acknowledgement.

According to CRediT ( contributors’ roles are defined as follows:

  1. Conceptualisation: Ideas; formulation or evolution of research goals and aims.
  2. Data curation: Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), scrub and maintain research data (including software code for interpreting the data itself).
  3. Formal analysis: Application of statistical, mathematical, computational or other formal techniques to analyse or synthesise study data.
  4. Funding acquisition: Acquisition of financial project support.
  5. Investigation: Conducting research, performing experiments, collecting data.
  6. Methodology: Development or design of methodology; creation of models.
  7. Project administration: Management and coordination responsibility for the research activity planning and implementing.
  8. Resources: Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, laboratory samples, computing resources, other analysis tools.
  9. Software: Programming, software development; designing computer programs; implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components.
  10. Supervision: Leadership responsibility for the research activity planning and implementing.
  11. Validation: Verification of the overall research.
  12. Visualisation: Preparation, creation and presentation of the published work.
  13. Writing – original draft: Preparation, creation and presentation of the published work, specifically writing the initial draft.
  14. Writing – review & editing: Preparation, creation and presentation of the published work by those from the original research group (critical review, commentary or revision for pre- or post-publication stages).
Duties of Authors

The authors must notify the Editors of any conflicts of interest.

In accordance with the position statement of the Committee on Publication Ethics, the policy with regard to artificial intelligence (AI) tools and large language models such as ChatGPT is as follows:

Duties of Reviewers
Duties of Editors
Duties of Publisher
Ethical oversight

BOHR Publishers is is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in scholarly publishing. This policy encompasses various aspects of ethical oversight to ensure the protection of participants, and confidential data, as well as the ethical conduct of business and marketing practices. The journal follows the Core Practices outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Consent to Publication

BOHR Publishers requires authors to obtain appropriate consent from all individuals or entities mentioned in the research or involved in the study. This includes consent to publish identifiable information, images, or other personally identifiable data. Authors should provide documentation of consent when submitting their manuscripts.

BOHR Publishers is sensitive to research involving vulnerable populations, such as children, elderly individuals, mentally challenged individuals, or other marginalized groups. Authors should adhere to ethical guidelines when conducting research on such populations and should provide a clear justification for the inclusion of vulnerable participants.

Handling Confidential Data

BOHR Publishers ensures the confidentiality and security of any confidential data provided during the submission and review process. Reviewers and editorial staff are required to treat all submitted materials with confidentiality and must not disclose any information regarding the submitted manuscripts to any unauthorized individuals.

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BOHR Publishers is committed to ethical business and marketing practices. The journal does not engage in any practices that may compromise the integrity of the publishing process or mislead authors or readers. BOHR Publishers does not support any form of predatory publishing, non-standards, or unethical marketing strategies.

Compliance and Reporting

Authors should comply with all aspects of this ethical oversight policy and provide full disclosure of any potential ethical concerns during the submission process. Failure to adhere to ethical guidelines may result in rejection or retraction of the manuscript, as well as other appropriate actions.

Review of the Policy

BOHR Publishers will periodically review and update this policy to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with best ethical practices. Any revisions to this policy will be communicated to authors and made publicly available on the journal's website.

Conflict of Interest
Dealing with possible misconduct
Intellectual property

The editor should be alert to intellectual property issues and work with his publisher to handle potential breaches of intellectual property laws and conventions.

Best practice for the editor would include:


BOHR Publishers is committed to publish original and unpublished material to maintain the integrity of the scientific record. The corresponding author must affirm that all of the other authors have read and approved of the manuscript. All research papers submitted BOHR Publishers are screened for plagiarism. If a research paper contains traces of plagiarism, BOHR Publishers will lead an investigation on the matter and will take further action depending on the type of plagiarism. Further, authors must assure that the manuscript is not being considered for publication in whole or in part elsewhere. Processing on manuscripts found to have been published elsewhere or under review will be suspended and authors will consequently suffer sanctions.

Citation Manipulation

Citation manipulation refers to the publication of a research paper primarily to increase an author's number of citations. This is against our ethical guidelines and we strongly advise authors not to indulge in similar activities.


In the case of a complaint of misconduct, BOHR Publishers will carry out an investigation following the COPE guidelines. All stakeholders will be given an opportunity to share their views on the matter. If the complaint raises valid concerns, the journal will implement sanctions on authors according to the severity of the breach.

Immediate rejection of the infringing manuscript, (ii)Immediate rejection of every other manuscript submitted to any journal published by any of the authors of the infringing manuscript, (iii) Prohibition will be imposed for a minimum of 36 months against all of the authors for any new submissions to any journal, either individually or in combination with other authors of the infringing manuscript, and (iv) Prohibition against all of the authors from serving on the Editorial Board of any journal.

BOHR Publishers might find it compulsory in some cases to rectify certain pieces of literature. In such cases, BOHR Publishers will abide by the COPE retraction guidelines. An erratum, or correction of an article, should be issued if:

  1. A small portion of an otherwise reliable publication proves to be misleading (especially because of an honest error)
  2. The author/contributor list is incorrect (i.e., a deserving author has been omitted or somebody who does not meet authorship criteria has been included)

Manuscripts should be retracted if:

  1. Journal editors have clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication) or an honest error (e.g., miscalculation or an experimental error)
  2. The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission, or justification (i.e., cases of redundant publication)
  3. It constitutes plagiarism
  4. It reports unethical research

Journal editors should consider issuing an expression of concern if:

  1. They receive inconclusive evidence of research or publication misconduct by the authors
  2. There is evidence that the findings are unreliable but the authors' institution will not investigate the case
  3. They believe that an investigation into alleged misconduct related to the publication either has not been, or would not be, fair and impartial or conclusive, or an investigation is underway but a judgment will not be available for a considerable period of time.
Data Sharing and reproducibility

We require that authors make their data openly available and accessible to readers upon publication, either by depositing it in a recognized public repository or by including it as supplementary material to the article.

We encourage authors to use open data formats and to provide detailed metadata to enable data reuse and interpretation by other researchers.

We require that authors provide a data availability statement in the article, indicating where the data can be accessed and any restrictions or limitations on data sharing.


We encourage authors to provide detailed descriptions of the methods used in their research and to make their code openly available to enable the reproducibility of their results.

We may require that authors provide access to raw data and analysis code upon request

Data Repository

BOHR Publishers encourage authors to select a data repository that issues a persistent identifier, preferably a digital object identifier.

We follow an open-access data repository mode. Furthermore, we follow a double-anonymous peer review policy and a data policy that mandates sharing. Hence, we request that authors deposit the data in a repository that preserves anonymity, i.e., blinds the details of the authors

Example repositories

BOHR Publishers Journal has electronic backup and preservation of access to the content via PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN).

PKP has developed the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve OJS journals. The LOCKSS program offers decentralized and distributed preservation, seamless perpetual access, and preservation of the authentic original version of the content. The PKP PN ensures that journals that are not part of any other digital preservation service (such as CLOCKSS or Portico) can be preserved for long-term access.

Post Publication Discussion and Corrections BOHR Publishers encourages post publication debates by submitting a letter to the editor. Post-publication corrections will be published alongside the original article.

Corrected manuscripts will be published alongside the original manuscript, so readers can always find the most up-to-date version. All versions will be permanently available and linked to the same DOI.
